Relationship-Centered Horse Training

From when we first saw them, we thought we were related. Together we protected our families and our lands. Together we were more than we could ever be apart.
- PBS Native America, New World Rising, Comanche spokesperson.

Relationship-Centered Horse Training
Ever since horses became an integral part of human existence and progress, humans have assumed the role of trainers and leaders in this relationship. However, there is a paradox in the training process - a trainer/leader must become a student of the horse's nature to establish a successful connection and create a symbiotic relationship.
For over two decades, my horse training expertise has been developed by working with foals and youngsters, remedial horses, and wild mustangs. Those horses, like no other, allowed me to experience horses' nature and behavior at the purest and deepest core levels. That exposure has shaped my work and outlook on horsemanship and became a foundation of my Relationship-Centered Horse Training approach (RCHT).
The benefits of RCHT for horses:
All interactions with horses are based on respect and recognition of the horse as an intelligent, emotionally, and physically sensitive partner.
The connection quality between a horse and a trainer is prioritized over the future training agenda.
Recognition of the horse's feedback is essential to establishing meaningful communication and building a trusting and safe relationship.
Training happens at a pace and in segments, which allows the horse to process information and encourages lasting learning.
Incorporating timely and frequent breaks, especially during the early stages of training or in challenging moments, helps relieve tension and encourages self-regulation in a horse.
Any training equipment is incorporated according to the need of a training situation, promoting effective communication and supporting a harmonious partnership between horse and human.

Principles I use in teaching horse owners/handlers about RCHT:
Safety Awareness: I prioritize recognizing and securing a person's sense of safety in any situation, ensuring that training is a comfortable experience for both horses and humans.
Confident Body Language: I cultivate clear and confident body/energy projection language to communicate with horses, promoting trust and effective understanding.
Self-awareness: I emphasize the importance of knowing one's physical and energetic state, understanding its abilities and limitations, and ensuring that a horse's needs are met in every situation.
Feedback Interpretation: I encourage continual recognition and at least partial interpretation of the horse's feedback. This two-way communication is vital to building a solid relationship.
Creativity and adaptability: I promote maintaining flexible goals that foster deeper trust and engagement from the horse through a light, playful, comfortable atmosphere in every interaction.
Training Equipment as a Means of Communication: I welcome a variety of training equipment, following the needs of a training situation rather than an affiliation with a specific training method.

Hands-on with Relationship-Centered Horse Training